Internal Communication: Simplify it with Help Desk Software
Customer Support

Internal Communication: Simplify it with Help Desk Software

Are your teams also finding it hard to communicate with each other? Here is a blog that sheds light on how help desk software can enhance the communication of your teams.

Harsh Bairagi


7 Min


Welcome to part 1 of our series on “Internal Communications.”

Internal communications keep your teams aligned and well-informed. So, if that is broken, it directly impacts your bottom line. 

Due to miscommunications, there comes confusion, missed deadlines, less engagement in cross-teams, and employees not being able to do their best work which eventually leads to unhappy customers.

While there is no shortcut to seamless achieving internal communications, the best thing is proactively planning things that could go wrong.

This post focuses on underlying internal communication challenges and what to do when they arise.

Challenges of Internal Communication

Getting Stuck in Finding the Correct Agent

Certain queries need the assistance of certain agents. For example, a query related to some technical issue is raised by an employee. In such situations, the support agent might not have the proper knowledge of the query and might not be able to offer an appropriate solution.

This can harm your employee’s experience. But, what if you can find the most appropriate agent to solve the issue within a few seconds? It would be great. With help desk software, it can be made possible.

As it can auto-assign tickets to agents based on certain parameters and also offers you the data of previous similar tickets to help you get some insight into how the ticket was solved in the past.

You can also create a thread and add the correct agent to it so that they can get a proper understanding of the issue. This way, having the help desk software can make this task hassle-free and less complex.

Not Having the Luxury to Use Help Desk Software

Every day is a new challenge when it comes to offering quality support, and not having the liberty to use help desk software is not making anything easier. They have to do everything manually, which can be time-consuming and complicated. In the end, they would not be able to match the customer’s expectations. Therefore, having help desk software is necessary.

The help desk software’s main purpose is to streamline the support process for the service agents. So that they can communicate and collaborate effectively with other departments. This can help them find quicker solutions to the queries that are generated.

It has various useful and amazing features that enhance the productivity of the agents and ensure that they manage every task effectively. Features such as ticketing, self-service, omnichannel support, analytics, automation, canned responses, task management, customization, etc.

With so many features at their disposal, your agents can easily find out timely solutions for your customers. In a nutshell, employing help desk software can create a win-win situation for all.

Not having Proper Channels to Communicate

When reaching out, customers/employees might select a channel of their preference to reach out. And if you do not offer your service there, their issues may not reach you at all. In such situations, your business gets harmed more than anything else. Because an unsatisfied customer or an unhappy employee is not going to be of any help to your business.

That is why help desk software is crucial. It helps you over all the channels that your customers/employees prefer. It also increases their engagement levels and communication. As they can now easily reach out to the agents and ask them for a solution.

For example, imagine one of your employees getting stuck due to some issue and they think of reaching out to your agent. But I am not able to because the whole process is too complex. Instead, they think of solving it on their own. In such a situation, your employee might end up wasting a lot of time and still would not find an appropriate solution.

So, in order to avoid this from happening, ensure using the help desk and get access to as many channels as possible to communicate effectively with your customers/employees and members of other departments as well.

Agents Not Being Able to Work Productively

Solving queries is extremely tough. Agents solve one and there are ten more that need their attention. With the complex support process, they won’t be able to be as productive as their job demands. More often than not, they might get stuck due to bad communication, hectic manual processes, replying to similar queries over and over again, etc.

All these can be avoided. Agents can work effectively and can enhance their productivity by a huge margin after using help desk software. With its help, managing tasks becomes easier. The streamlined workflow allows agents to stay on top of every single customer query without missing out.

With the help of help desk features, the agents can successfully enhance the experience and satisfaction levels of the customers/employees.

Not Being Able to Communication Properly

Sometimes not having proper channels or a complex support process might not be the reason for bad communication. It could happen due to excessive use of jargon and overcommunication as well. In customer support, communication is very crucial but only when it is done properly.

Hence, avoid over-communicating, and stop asking questions to other team members that are irrelevant or unnecessary. As it will create confusion and the chances of errors become high. Instead, focus on solving the problem, and ask relevant questions. Questions that can help you find quick solutions.

Also, avoid jargon language, as you might not be able to convey your message effectively. Instead, keep it simple and ensure that the team members understand what you are trying to explain. These factors will help you a lot in enhancing your communication.

Benefits of Using a Help Desk Software to Improve Team Communication

Helps You Determine the Common Problems for Which Communication is Needed

Every business should have an idea of which are the most common issues that their customers face. Because only then they might be able to offer the best solution to them on time.

Once businesses have analyzed the common issues with the use of help desk software, they can easily plan their strategies accordingly. For example, imagine getting stuck in finding out the appropriate person to find out a solution while keeping your customer on hold.

It is not the best situation to be in for a support agent. Hence, to overcome such a critical situation, you can pre-determine the most common queries and create a pathway to find a solution. 

By doing this, you already have the steps that you need to follow in order to find a solution. This way, you can get in touch with the appropriate person without wasting any time. Following this will simplify the internal communication process and allow you to offer timely solutions to customers.

Enhances Communication Between Multiple Departments

For businesses, communication is crucial, be it to find solutions for customers or to connect with employees from other departments. Without good communication, the productivity of your business takes a hit.

So, to make internal communication effective, help desk software is crucial. It integrates the channels that are most used by your customers/employees to ensure that the internal communication for your business is top-notch. This can improve both customer and employee management.

Helps You Implement More Streamlined Workflows

To offer quality services, having a streamlined workflow is important. Just imagine solving hundreds of customer/employee queries and not knowing where to start, whom to contact, what path to follow in order to find a solution, etc.

A complex workflow can ensure that a lot of time is consumed, silos are created, productively is lost, etc. all these things eventually lead to a bad customer/employee experience. Hence, to avoid such situations, you need to ensure that your workflows are streamlined.

In order to do so, help desk software can help you a lot. With its amazing features, it can create streamlined workflows and save a lot of your agent’s time and effort. They can easily communicate with other team members to find quicker solutions.

Enhances the Engagement Levels of the Customers/Employees

Keeping your customers and employees happy has to be the top priority of every business that wants to be successful. And helping them whenever they need assistance can be the most effective way to assure them about the fact that you care for them and you are there if they need your help.

They know their voice is heard, which creates a sense of trust among the employees/customers. With help desk software, you can communicate effectively and empower your support agents to work more efficiently and innovate. Eventually, improved communication would result in enhanced engagement levels of customers/employees.

It Offers You Insights into How Effectively Your Teams are Working

How do you know if your agents can communicate effectively or not? Without help desk software, it might seem a next-to-impossible task. But with its help, it’s a piece of cake. It offers data on how much time a particular agent or department takes on average to respond to and resolve queries.

Bad communication directly impacts performance which, in the end, harms the result. So, more time taken to respond to or resolve queries can be a result of bad communication among the team members.

The data provided to you by help desk software can help you work on the loopholes. As you now have an idea of which areas need improvements so that you can create strategies accordingly. By doing so, one thing is confirmed, you will be able to successfully enhance your support.

Have Greater Visibility with Shared Ownership

It is extremely crucial to be aware of the things that are going on when you are in the support department as last-minute surprises could result in miscommunication and misunderstanding. Therefore, in order to work to get proper results, agents must have visibility into every little aspect.

Ownership of the tickets should also be shared with other team members so that everyone can work on them simultaneously. Having shared visibility of the tickets can also help you track the tickets’ progress.

For example, in large corporations, the service department is usually big, they also have a lot of employees and a big customer base. In such situations, if everyone does not have shared ownership the chances of errors get too high. As agents do not have a proper idea of who is working on which ticket and whom to contact for finding a solution. Hence, having shared ownership is very crucial.

Allows the Service Agents to Create Parent-Child Tickets

Communication is the key to offering great service. Help desk software offers you certain features that can enhance communication among team members. One such feature is parent-child ticketing, which helps the agents to create sub-tasks.

Once these sub-tasks are created, you can assign them to the concerned agents. By splitting up the tickets, you can ensure that multiple concern agents are working on it separately that too at the same time.

Allowing multiple agents to work on the same tickets, helps agents to find quick solutions and save a lot of time. This way the collaboration and communication of the team members gets improved. Working together can help them get better results as well.

Skyrocket Your Team Communication with DeskXpand

The customer’s/employee’s satisfaction and experience depend on how well the agents handle the queries. With DeskXpand, handling queries gets a lot easy. As it is tailor-made to fulfill the requirements of the support department and revolutionize the process with its amazing features.

After using DeskXpand, support agents can get benefits such as,

  • Splitting tickets for better and quick results.
  • Assigning ticketing automatically to the most appropriate agents.
  • Escalating and prioritizing tickets without any hassle.
  • Tracking the performance of any particular agent or of the whole support department.
  • Automating manual tasks and finding error-free solutions.
  • Customizing the help desk according to your business requirements.
  • Covering all the preferred channels of your customer by offering 360-degree omnichannel support.

DeskXpand is an amazing tool that can help businesses of all sizes to transform their support process and take it to the next level.

DeskXpand Help Desk Software

Streamline your support processes with the first-ever one-page ticketing solution. Manage and respond to queries from different channels smoothly.

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